Thursday, July 23, 2009

Church of the Resurrection Leadership Institute, October 8-9, 2009

Hello! I am Debi Nixon and I serve as one of the Executive Directors at Church of the Resurrection with direct oversight of our annual Leadership Institute team. Our Institute design team just completed a planning meeting with our Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton. I can't tell you how excited I am about this year's Institute! As we dream and plan, we are also praying about the impact the Institute will have throughout the church. We understand, from our own experience, that this year in particular all of us as church leaders have to make careful decisions about how to spend valuable (and limited) church resources. Knowing that, we want to tell you why we believe that, this year more than ever, you need to be at the Leadership Institute in October.

This year has been one of tremendous growth at Resurrection in both the depth and the reach of our ministries, and we are thrilled to share what we have leanred. At Leadership Institute, we are going to share powerful new ministry ideas we implemented since last year's Institute. These ideas have never before been shared at the Institute. We wil be particularly sharing ideas emerging from our efforts to reach young adults and to lead our congregation through a time of economic struggle.

We will also share innovations we have used in Children's Ministry, Student Ministry, Congregational Care, Media Technology, Worship, and more. You'll also gain learning and inspiration from our Keynote Speaker Michael Slaughter, Senior Pastor of Ginghamsburg UMC in Tipp City, Ohio.

This year we have intentionally planned for young adults. As a part of our Young Adult Focus, we are inviting men and women 25 and under to attend the Institute for a deeply discounted rate of $49 (including a Special Pre-Institute). We encourage you to indentify young people who are leaders in the church, considering vocational or lay ministry, or who are key volunteers in your congregation. Bring them with your team or sponsor them to attend this incredible opportunity.

Our team is committed to giving you the maximum possible value for your training investment including opportunities for great networking with others from across the country and of course, awesome Kansas City barbeque. This year's Institute is so packed with great ideas aimed directly at the most pressing issues for the church right now, I believe it's a "can't miss" exprience.

For more information and to register go to (includes a video incerpt featuring Debi Nixon)

We look forward to welcoming you and your team at the Institute October 8-9! If I can serve in any way as you prepare to register or make your travel plans, please email me at See you at the Institute.

Debi Nixon
Church of the Resurrection

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