Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Christmas season offers ample opportunity to provide Christian presence at Riverbend Maximum Security Prison

On December 10 there will be a special “holiday” dinner served to unit 6, recognizing their contribution to the smooth running of all the different programs, maintenance and service activities at Riverbend. This is a dinner offered by religious volunteers. You may participate in basically two ways.

+Be at the main gate at 4:30 p.m. to help setup, serve and take down the buffet line (no cooking). If your congregation could provide at least four volunteers that would be GREAT. Names of the volunteers will be needed by November 29th.
+This dinner is not cheap so donations of any amount (preferably $250 per church) will be much appreciated, to defer the estimated cost of $2800.00. We expect to feed, including the volunteers, approximately 350 people.

Christ United Methodist Church will provide “entertainment” featuring Christmas music by the chancel choir.

On the nights of December 16, 17, and 18 Christmas packages will be distributed to the six units at Riverbend Maximum Security prison. This is the culmination of months of work by volunteers and inmates and is a wonderful time to be there as a volunteer to individually hand out the packages. Again, this activity provides two main opportunities to participate:

+On any one of those nights, you may only serve one night of the three, be at the check point at 5:30 p.m. to proceed to the chapel with approximately 50 other volunteers (we need 150 total). From the chapel you will go, with fellow Christians from all denominational traditions, to your assigned unit to hand out the packages. You will make friends that night that will last a life time plus.
+Contributions of a number of items—in quantities of 750 units—are needed to make the Christmas package project a success (A list of specific items is contained in the next paragraph. These items will be picked up at your church or wherever to be delivered to Riverbend.

The church should have received a letter detailing all of this, but if not, request a letter from Jerry Nail (contact information below). Financial contributions are needed as well and will be used to buy items that are not donated. Either way you or your congregation choose to participate (actual package items or financial contribution) know that your gift is totally appreciated.

Items needed in quantities of 750 units
.Toothpaste any brand, any size
.Toothbrushes any brand (plastic)
.Little Debbie Snack Cakes
.Candy Bars, any brand, any type
.Peanuts, individual bags
.Combs/brushes, must be plastic
.Ball point pens clear plastic only
.Colored pens
.Snack crackers
.Cookies (any type but needs to be in individual packs)

This ministry is a vital activity of your United Methodist Church and needs your prayers and your support. If you would like to participate thru-out the year in all manner of activities please contact your minister of conference office. We look forward to your support.

If you wish to make a monetary contribution make your check or money order out to Christ United Methodist Church and send it to Christ UMC Prison Ministry Holiday Project or Dinner, 508 Franklin Road, Franklin, TN 37069. Make sure your check or money order has on the reference line—Prison Ministry Holiday Project or Dinner.

For additional information contact Jerry Nail, Chairperson Tennessee Conference Correctional Ministry Committee, 615-390-1129, or email

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