Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Open Spots still available in the Miriam’s Promise Golf and Walk Challenge, September 29, 2008 – Old Natchez Country Club – Franklin, TN

We invite you to participate in our GOLF & WALK Challenge for 2008. This event raises almost 25% of the budget needed to fund the ministry of Miriam’s Promise – our non-profit agency that provides pregnancy counseling and adoptions. Golfers and Walkers participate to raise awareness and funds by gathering sponsors and pledges from friends and family. Walkers will have the opportunity to walk the beautiful 4.2 mile Old Natchez Course. At the completion of the walk, golfers will tee off for an 18 Hole scramble. For more information, please call Debbie Robinson @ 292-3500 or visit our website at www.miriamspromise.org.

Recently we asked prior golfers and walkers to tell us why they answered the call to participate. Here are some of their responses:

From Scott Aleridge, United Methodist Pastor:

Recently, I was asked the question, “Why do you play in the Miriam’s Promise Golf Tournament?” Well, to be honest with you, it is not because I like golf or am good at the game. The true reason I play in the golf tournament is because I’ve personally experienced God’s Amazing Grace through the services Miriam’s Promise provides.

In our own family, Beth and I have blessed by their wonderful work with our son, James Scott. This October, James Scott will turn four years old. What a wonderful four years it has been! You see, Beth and I have known firsthand the incredible gifts and services Miriam’s Promise provides and the difference it makes in a family’s life.

Each day as I wake up and look into my son’s face, I’m reminded of God’s “Means of Grace.” I have no doubt that God is alive and well in the world because I’ve experienced his touch. Moreover, I believe Miriam’s Promise is one of the extensions of God’s hands in the world, right here in middle Tennessee.

So, why do I play the Miriam’s Promise Golf Tournament?

In addition to getting to have fun with fellow pastors chasing a small ball around a beautiful golf course, I also know that I truly to get to be part of something that brings someone closer to the hand of God. I might not be able to change the world for every child, but I can change the world for that one child.

I hope you will consider playing…

From Carl “Trip” Boon, Calvary UMC member:

I am not an adoptive father first of all, so I am looking at this from an entirely different perspective than adoptive parents. My wife and received two wonderful gifts from God in the birth of our son and daughter. We have been truly blessed.

There are many that are less fortunate and this does sadden me. People that want to be parents and cannot, should be given this opportunity. Children deserve a loving and nurturing home. Miriam’s Promise motto of adoption changing the world for a child and changing the world for a family is a large reason for my involvement.

As a Christian, I feel called to this ministry. This is God’s work being done by Miriam’s Promise. The golf tournament each September represents a large percentage of the operating budget for this wonderful ministry. The golf tournament allows me to nourish two passions of mine. I have the opportunity to enjoy the game of golf while raising money for a ministry near and dear to my heart.

Children are our future, so I feel we must love them and enrich their lives as much as possible. I hope that you will not only give generously, but also please keep Miriam’s Promise in your prayers.

From Sally Rogers, Bellevue UMC member, Adoptive Mom,

While thinking about participating in the Miriam’s Promise Golf & Walk Challenge, my mind goes immediately to our two beautiful children and their birthmothers. They are why we work to make this event a success.


Four amazing gifts
Two are my beautiful children
And two are their beautiful birthmothers

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to know my children’s birthmothers.
For this I am grateful-
I can’t imagine not knowing them or not having the opportunity to tell them how honored I am to be a part of their lives.
I would not be who I am, a mommy, without them.
I am in awe of their strength, courage and unselfishness.

For the true definition of love- look at Christy and Melissa

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